Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Spotted These

new pup(s) on my pot bound Clivia. Not sure about the brown one though.

Looks like a failed attempt and what looks like shriveled root off to the right,
without further investigation does not look good. But hey, there's it's backup
just below in all it's green wonder.

Which brings us to a repotting candidate. Has much Clivia's preference to be
pot bound to encouraging blooms. This specimen has been doing a great job
in that department.

Classic case of over spilling it's confines. A tornado of roots above ground anearly
running out of soil below. However the very possibility of getting more blooming
for at least a couple to three years more. Notice the berry like seed pods off to
left. Hope to harvest them in the upcoming months.

So why now, you might ask? Just, because and hey, I'm in that zone.

This picture shows off the ripening seeds better. Good thing my neighbor gave
me this heavy clay pot that help anchor this brute of beaut.

How can I forgot who I bought this from. A women named Holly and who also
is a fellow Yogi. Once a Yogi, always a Yogi.  Thank you Holly!

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