Saturday, July 4, 2020

Look Who Joined

the indoor props table.

The only thing these Tadpoles are propagating is poop and that's ok, because
with more poop means more fertilizer for all my needy plants.

It's  a good thing that Tadpoles love them some organic raw spinach and that I
have plenty. Given the choice organic Spinach first, organic spouted seeded bread,
then Fancy Guppy food. All this with at least two changes of rain water a day.
The thinly sliced cucumber not so much, don't let this guy nibbling on a cucumber
floaty fool yah.

Three days in since their rescue I would say that they are a bunch of happy campers, knowing
their odds of survival to adult hood. There's still a long way to go but we will just have to take
one day at a time.

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