Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Lady Palm Comes Full Circle

Acquired this specimen nearly thirty years ago with a coworker. She had found a home owner
selling these for dirt cheap. Even then and even now these can be quite expensive, knowing
how slow growing they can be.

This stayed potted, I say stay but they will find a way to run a rhizome out the bottom of the
pot and make way to freedom. I've get the mother rhizome for extra measure, in hopes that
it will sprout another off shoot.

There are two spots where the this original pot sat in my garden. This latest find, spotted a
couple of years ago finally finds it's way back to where it can be corralledonce more and
appreciated for it's beauty.

Most palms don't transplant well, as my understanding and the fail won't be revealed until it's
too late. So once again I find myself in that 'time will tell' dimension.

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