Okay, where to begin, so many firsts.
Froglets are wanting to veg so they can absorb their tales. So lets give them
something other than glass to cling to.
Being a rock hound makes this part easy. This piece of concrete is not a
rock, but it grab my attention. Who knew!
Tadpoles are still enjoying the Broccoli bombs and regular rounds of Spinach.
One of the first tads to scale up into the new world without water.
At this time I notice when I draw down the water for the change of water that
when there is a minimal level of water at bottom. I notice a couple other tads
got the hint, now's time to scale up into the next phase. Returning the water
to a lower level now gives the the new scaler's a bit of time to dry off and
scale up higher.
Less water means more frequent water changes. Tads go for the Broccoli but
their taste for Spinach diminishes.
New Water Level - Aerial view of The Mt. Olympias of the froggy kind.
Now they are getting their land legs and enjoying the view and greater heights.
This is near the end of their enjoyment of the Organic Spinach.
And now for some froglet antics.
Or just chillin at the top of the Mt.
Where there's always room for two. Notice not only the no-tails, after
about two days. Their skin is breathable, look ma no gills, which can lead to their
drowning. But they are and were such natural swimmers. Only when you have all
the needed equipment . Take one of those away, you become tadpole bait. I
unfortunately witnessed this yesterday. To my horror watching three tads with
what I thought was a Broccoli rumble. Instead this Broccoli had two eyes and
two legs spread eagle. Yup, these tads got the taste for protein, which I suspect
was due to a drowning. Another sign that made sense that their diet changed with
this wonder of nature of morphing. This was time to break out the Fancy Guppy food
for the rest of their feeding regime, rich in protein and other essentials.
And now there's a third wheel and another pair taking advantages of the drier heights.
Most likely same pair but now they are conspiring on getting out and marveling at the
view and trying to imagine what other wonders might be out there. Little do they know
that they will find out in a matte of hours.
Notice that galaxy of frogs in the upper right hand corner. The big one is in the foreground, that
makes five and minus the one that drowned, and leave it at that.
These will be the first to be released to he outdoors, in the dead of night and make the best of things, if you will. I took them this far with a lot of work and effort and as humanely as possible. I can't
emphasize enough the multiple rain water changes needed to keep them healthy. Organic fresh and frozen greens. Trail and error, this is my fourth go around in three years. First time having in all
done indoors and this is the end results.
2am and all I hear are our Florida Chorus of frogs peeping. These guys are not them.
The four tiny tads I had I believe were the Chorus frogs but they went the way of most
tiniest creatures among giants. I think there may be two left and only time will tell.
I went outdoors around eight am and spotted one still in this location, which brought
a smiled to my face. In a day or two, rinse and repeat as they say for the next batch, which
is forming their gang of seven as I type.
It's my understanding the dominant frogs will secrete a hormone that will slow down the
development of the others so they don't all develop at once.
First out the gate does have it's advantages.
Next stage in development.
First thing tomorrow I will be digging through my yard trash for the fruit and veggie scraps
to see if can bring some of the fruit flies to this outdoor location to give the newbie frogs
some bugs to snack on, hoping this might extend their visit here on their borrowed time.