Saturday, October 28, 2017

An Owl Sighting and Observations

Couple days ago from my back porch stoop observed what I believe
to be an owl, possibly a Barred owl, that swooped down low and flew
across the length of the yard, belonging to the neighbor behind me
and in broad day light to.

A neighbor the other day had commented that we have three owls
in our neighborhood. I will have to ask her to elaborate on what she
knows about our owl population. It's not unusual to hear them hooting
in the night over these past several years.

I even had one nesting in a hole of an oak tree in the front yard, years
ago. I would not have seen this had the owl not moved back into it's
hole, for it's face was gray and mottled like the bark of this tree.
Very small owl considering the size of the hole in the tree.

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