Thursday, April 20, 2023

With One

 aquatic based planter, is it possible to get two equally beautifully contained aquatic elements?

Not unlike splitting an molecular elemnet...

Exhibit 'A'

It would be difficult to replicate what took years to evolve in this spectacular clay fired pot, which 

has no hole in the bottom nor does it have the optimal shape for a long time existence.  The effort

it took me to excise these plantings from this container will be a miracle to witness should they all

survive it's removal by tug and determination of this constant gardener, and now for the reveal.

Who knows how it will take for these to recover from the spectacle of wrestle mania and whether

any of these are some Cattails that were rescued from my neighbor's roof of all places. Placed in 

a aluminum cooking pot that has a monumental gong when struck. I hope that potential sound

maker will have some influence on these aquatic plants healing and eventually thrive, as are most 

plants basic mission in their cycle of life.

Having this planter as it's base, makes this one the most photogenic. 

Looks like I will have to take another picture to show both of these two side by side, as I thought

I had but sometimes this photo doesn't get from the touch on the screen of my phone and then

transmuted electronically to an image, like the one in my mind at this moment.   

I just now have to wait for tomorrows daylight and this entry will be complete.

They still have a pulse , if they ever had one i the first place. Still looking a bit peaked, but for now

this will be their place to convalesce and receive plenty of vital fluid. 

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