Monday, April 24, 2023

Ok Who's And How

 did I miss these in as many months I had them under my care?

One side and the other show some cherub like seedling cactus. 

   I saw no indication of blooms, new or spent when purchased, nor had the others after

giving each a critical eye when making the selection. 

   My observation is now, if these were seed born or brought forth by the parent plant by 

rhizome, which I suspect looking at the parent two how they seem to be merging from 

a close single point of origin. Again, due to close seed dispersal or who knows what.

   These mature cactus were all similarly paired as they are seen in the pictures above.

Also as seen above there a few, who's color is off and possibly on their way out of this

world.  Those I will use to further my investigation to see if there is a connection to the

parent plant and help solve this botanical mystery?

    I was able to uproot the pale looking pair to see if there were underground roots 

running to the parents, and that wasn't the case.  So seed germination is the only

possibility, and still remains to as who's seeds. After all these were all raised together in

some unphantomable  numbers in a greenhouse of some sorts. 

   One more thing, the store these were purchased from only a generic cactus tag and not a

name so that will be my next adventure is try to id this handsome porky pair, who are now

the happy recipients of some wee little ones.  It would be cool to find them grow into some

other kind of cactus, which would answer my original concern.

  This crowded pair of cactus got an upgrade of a wider pot to accommodate their girth and

will have to keep an eye on the new seedlings.

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