Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Ding Dong

 Who's there...

    Look for your self...

    Anthurium Plowmanii spadix growing bright red berries

  I can only imagine when the first person to find this tropical specimen in the wilds of 

South American and having no problem coming up with a botanical name for this 

creature of nature. As most plants that have equally unique fruiting bodies (spadix) that 

can place them into familiar classifications. 

  This one took me by surprise and needless to say and with a chuckle or two. Having had

this specimen for several years now and having only the male flower (spathe) displayed 

and never seeing the female fruit, which is on display above and just coming into ripening, 

sortof speak.

In all it's splendid greenery to right of my Dragon hitching post.

      Natures wonders never cease.

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