Friday, April 7, 2023

Today's Chia Profile

 Chia's seedlings first peek from in my compost pile.

No surprises here, two year old food grade seeds for consumption that had been sitting in 

my refrigerator, gets new life.


 A lucky handful won the lotto of new life, top right, for those non-gardeners.

Our Winter's Spring gives brings forth life that most others Spring do due to our almost Summer temps,

which translates to more water please and so this water carrier does as so that commands and with

pride and pleasure. Rainwater is in plenty supply as stored away for this constant gardener's whim

and other's silent demands.

   Look, flower heads spring forth as if it was Summer along with a Summer like wilt. This folks is

not acting.

                        Chia's first bloom surprise, quick get the camera. NOw baby, smile for the camera!



What do you call a collective  of  Chia flowers besides beautiful blushing blues?

Fragrance, subtle if any. Crush the leaves, I now, ouch, there is a hint of mint, hint hint to it's


Here's the reason they call it going to seed and surely I need explain.

Now, it's off to internet and do some research on when to collect and or dry the seed heads.

Until then, enjoy your gift, whatever that may be.



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