Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rhapis Excelsa FOUND - Not That Is Was Lost - Just Hiding

Well preserved and lacking in the essentials. I've managed
not using our city's water for my general gardening needs, going
on three years now.

I will just dig this up and repot and bring it back from it's hibernation.
I've always kept this confined to a pot. That is until I got tired of it and
put it in the ground in the front yard knowing that it could easily spread.
Where I planted it under my house's eves it would not get a lot of water,
thus naturally slowing down it's rampant growth. I was opening to find
a sprout left over from after my finally digging it out. I will look one
more time.

This specimen pictured is a remnant when it was in a pot and one of it's
rhizomes escaped it's confines and thus survived on it's own until now.

I went off today to look at this house not far from where I live and the whold
back yard is covered in this palm, twelve foot high and ten feet deep. Shows
just how it can get out of hand or if needed, used for some privacy. I was hoping to
find some dug up specimens to take home, but no so such luck. The ground crew
that was clearing the property did not take any survivors.

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