Tuesday, November 6, 2018

My Tiny Garden Masetro Conducting Jatropha podagrica Symphony

Being a musician and always having a tune going through my head.
I was eating a meal at my back steps and spied this little guy looked
like it wanted to conduct that song in my head.

I suspect and will go on record that it appears to me to be a Budda Belly -
Jatropha podagrica seedling. My mature Budda Belly is always throwing down
seed every season, but the ratio of seed to sprout is quite low, but always seems
to know when it's time to sprout another. Another that can be given away to a quest to
my garden that grabs their attention and aknowledge's it's belly and odd growth.

Matter of fact my next store neighbor was admiring it this past weekend, so I
know where this one will end up.

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