Monday, November 26, 2018

Angel's Trumpet's First Bloom

If the NASA can put another lander, the Insight on Mars. I should at least be able to launch
a picture off my phone. It took me five tries to access this photo.

This Angel Trumpet caught my eye yesterday after returning from a doing some
yard work and collecting the spoils, some small canes of bamboo and what do I see?
A familiar sight of salmon blaze against a overcast sky.

This first bloom took a long time coming, knowing that I cut it back severely yearly
this year. Slight damage from last year's hurricane. Who's name escapes me because it
wasn't my first. This specimen had a lot of old wood. Old here in Florida and it being
a tropical plant, looked older than it's years, in my opinion. Two brand new stalks have
grown to almost ten feet and it's blooms peeking out of it's Dr. Seuss shaggy leafed top.

Lots of holes in it's leaves to show us it's persistent in pushing out these beautiful blooms
this time of year, shorter days and second time with temperature in the mid forties.

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