Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Take This Beauty - Handroanthus chrysanthus-Yellow Tabebuia

The beauty of growing from seed is you might
get whats pictured above. This tree is going on
five years now and it looks like the perfect
candidate for a 'Bonsai'.

No matter how much natural fertilizers I throw
at it or light, albeit it hasn't been given the blunt
and punishing full sun that this region can be known
for and actually puts on it's best show when given
full sun.

It is dwarfed by it's cousin that is barely pushing
three feet, which is still quiet small knowing that
another known cousin is pushing nearly twelve

This particular variety distinguishes it's self from the
other more popular varieties, is that this one 's flowers
are half as small, which all counts for the smaller leaf
size to and a lot fewer pods, which is a nuisance. 

Need more time and more patience to tell.

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