Monday, June 13, 2016

New Plant Varieties of Tomatoes

A so called Black Cherry Tomato from the nursery of Bonnie Plants in care of Doty's of Winter Haven.

Should this planter look familiar is was nursing some cuttings, which were showing signs of taking but
I know it's track record and they would have stayed had I not found these new varieties.

Purple Cherokee, same source, although it may be too late and too hot but might get lucky.
These are planted a bit closer to the house and get a tad less afternoon sun, hoping that
might make the difference. The Spanish Moss covering is to help shield these tender plants
some shade from our unforgiving Florida sun. That is until these plants get situated and in
turn eat up what ever sun I can steer towards them, knowing that hours of sunshine around
my yard is at a premium.

Thought I would try introducing some minerals in liquid form to help boost and give these
plants a great start. I hope they do a better job for these plants than so called supplements
that are pushed on us humans.

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