The cycle continues of replanting and waiting for that moment to inspired to create.
I've had the idea to repopulate this garden circle with some Amyrilla bulbs that I've
started from seed, which can take anywhere from five to seven years to produce a
bloom. This collection of bulbs run from four to two years in the making.
Yesterday afternoon after taking a break from some yard detailing in the front yard
and about an hour and a half before darting off to a yoga class. Is when I get that
all familiar spark of wanting to put these bulb and bulbettes a permanent place to
thrive. This task has it's drawbacks, first one being that it can be a hard on the lower
back. To a point of almost not going to yoga, which I was very grateful to have gone
and respecting my body's state of being tasked out.
With a handful of bulbs to go and have to make a decision whether to yoga
or not. Yoga wins out and when I get home to make another decision to
finish planting the remaining bulbs or wait till the first thing tomorrow
morning. I did have trouble getting to sleep last night and a prompt bulb
planting did cross my mind. Nothing that some task lighting couldn't
I did wait for the mornings first light along with a dressing of some Bone Meal,
Fertilizer and a top dressing of the remaining Compost should assure that the
approximate hundred and thirty bulbs get a good jump on life. Not to mention
the garden hose dragged across the yard and will stay put for the next couple
of weeks for a daily dosing of some city water.
This garden circle will be barren no longer. I also threw in some Rosemary
cuttings that have taken root and a Florida native plant that shall remain
nameless for this posting.
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