Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Thank You El Nino And Bald Cypres Tree Tea

Just when you think you got your last rain for the season. After all this is
Florida's official dry season. When I walked outside this morning to find
two of my five gallon buckets filled to the brim with rain water. This is
surely becoming to be that predicted wet winter, complements of El Nino.
 I will have to check for rain totals for the month to see if this is
the case.

These five gallon buckets were rescued many years ago from a Tampa
downtown Subway shop. They once housed sliced pickles, hence the

The Bald Cypress needles and what ever composted up on my carport only
adds to this tea of nature.

I've been able to supply to pots of vegtables their total water needs from this
collection of rain water runoff so far. 

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