Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Second Batch of Coonties

 ready for transplant.  Wrestled from the soil at the base of my giant Bald Cypress tree,

safe from what ever Ian can blow at it. I also have a really great pot that was gifted to me

that has a calling to nurse these seedlings into strong healthy plants.

With a perimeter of branches to deter the squirrels from unknowingly subjecting these newly 

planted seedlings from being harassed.

Note the little seedling in the middle that almost got over looked, not even in the same league,

a league of it's own.

                                 A Coontie seedling in the urban wild, that almost got passed over to 

                               joining the big league.  Note the seed at the top of the soil at the base

                              of this seedling. I must of missed this one when I made an attempt to

                              push these seeds into the soil for improved germination, which explains it's

                              late blooming status. It has a lot of catching up to do too.

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