Monday, March 7, 2022

Prequel to Look What I Found

 The day of discovery....first sighting. Like and Iceberg, you got to look below to see it's mass.

I know, who knew, Jabba the Hut has nothing on this fat boy.

First impressions, is this one of our native Florida yams? Until I saw this psuedobulb.


If that wasn't enough, there was this orchid like flower *pointer finger for scale and focus* .

Now we are getting closer to being able to find what plant this might be.

A couple of weeks ago I went to one of our city's garden plant sale and they did not disapoint.

One of the vendors had some specimens, what's called Pachypodiums, not unlike the psuedobulb

shown above.  Pachypodiums was something that lept through my mind, however remote the 

possibility would be. We live in a  world where speciesof all sorts can land on our doorsteps if 

you will and take hold, so why not a Pachy.

Most things in this world has a name and I was able to sus out a name from my relatively quick

search on the internet and who's name will not cross this page.

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