Monday, March 7, 2022

It's True, It's Really True

 I had purchased this Orchid two years ago and needless to say it caught my eye.


It's commanding architecture, that overachiever to the left. That's what happens when

you find a really good orchid fertilizer and use it to push the orchid  to do it's best.

All a while thinking, hey if it's base and foundation can do this what are the possibilities that 

the flower, most times, the star of the show could do something just as spectacular.


Until I saw this, how much more un-orchid bud could this orchid be. I then recall  my conversation

with the breeder of said orchid. Telling him I admire the plant itself and then something to the 

effect, this won't be known for it's bloom, if it blooms at all.

Fair enough...Sold!   Two years later I spy this mangy looking buds? Speaking of architecture,

someone forgot the structures, mass and room for anything that might support something

orchid like.

Seriously, no regrets. I even went out on our dark night to bring it in to see what might of

become of these, wimpy my amazement....all dried out and not bigger but smaller

than what they looked like in the above photo. 

That little sprout at the bottom left of the pot, is now the tallest shoot and with it's signature

additional twin leaves making it's way into the world.


Wow, wow, and another Wow.    They are on their way of becoming the Sequoias of the orchid 


This  specimen, might have left out on the orchid but has gained tremendously on the infrastructure.

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