Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Second Time Blooming


 Photo of my Macadamia Tree as it looks today, showing off it's new foliage from a 

month's ago trimming. Hiding amongst the bright greens are some new blooms. It's

been almost three years since I first noticed a bloom. Noticed, is the operative word

here. The blooms can be easily missed, especially if they're not followed with some

fruit (nuts).

 The rusty red needles on the Bald Cypress in the back ground is putting on some 

mid-Winter color.  Florida is known for their mix of seasons colorings and textures. The 

Macadamia tree hangs on to it's leaves and drops them when they can no longer provide 

for the tree. I keep this tree trimmed and still learning on how it adapts to the our Florida

climate and my constant gardener's ways. 

This second time bloom may be tied to my trimming, so time will tell if I can produce some

blooms same time next year with some late Fall trimming and not wait for another three years.

 This year's newly discovered blooms from the Macadamia tree that fave a mild fragrance too.

This tree is supposed to be self pollinating, but they can vary on how often and how well they

produce. I seen the parent tree but did not think to ask if this was from seed or from cutting.

It more likely was from seed because it is my understanding that most nut trees don't reproduce

from cuttings unless grafted.

One more note, the rescued Pencil Cactus off to the right of the Macadamia tree is hanging on from

2017. I have a cutting from this that has an exceptional form and has the makings for this year's

Christmas tree.

I will make an effort to retain it's lower limbs that will make it's conical shape for my

proposed Holiday Tree. Time will tell.

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