Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Scenes From A Mid-Winter Garden


This Elm tree forever young with a temporary stone thrown that belongs elsewhere, waiting

for it's 'forever' home. Yard cat, lizards galore wasted no time in finding this spot on this urban 


One of my most recent frog releases found nearly ten yards from it's original point of

release. This golden nugget has a pair of legs and knows how to use them.

This Geckos is just chilling, waiting for the moment to make it's great escape. As I 

was going through a stack of plastic pots for a transplanting a palm that was gifted to

me many many years ago.

and Here's that palm, still kept in the confines that it has become accustomed to all it's life. 

An Areca Palm to be exact. Former neighbor, Ella would be happy. You plant one of these

in the ground down here, you will have a giant of a specimen. This has always stayed in the

back as an accent plant that will now come out of hiding and show off it's splendor and

keep my newly acquired Fishtail Palm company.

                      Some illuminated Flora to fawn at and some rocks, both man and Mother

Earth made...hehe.

My manual rainwater bucket at one of two collection points. This one is next to a stand of

flowering Ginger, just not flowering at this time.

One of several yardcats passing through and some lounging. This one just so happens to be an

 accomplished climber and Parkour extraordinaire.

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