Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Gift Among Gardeners

 This majestic Staghorn Fern unlike most ferns that are tethered from chains has been placed

on a pedestal if you will to give it some added interest , not that if needs any. This is from a neighbor

a street over who shares his gift of having a green thumb. In return he gets three Dragons(fruit) and

working on some transplants that are still in intensive care and watch that will also find a new home

along with the Dragons.


Amazon Lily - Eucharis grandiflora even after a transplant from my former next door neighbor's 

garden, who both are plant heads have past this among several other plants to this constant gardener,

is pushing three stalks of blooms perhaps as a welcoming gesture to this plant head.



 This Persian Lime is recuperating from a heavy root trimming, not intentional, and a light 

limb trimming to compensate from the lack of roots. Hopefully I've found that balance along

with the plants desire to thrive and we will have another welcomed viable plant specimen that 

found it's way to me from another gardener. It too has some flower buds and can't wait to sample

it's fragrance and if it fruits all the better but necessary to keep it's spot here in my always expanding


This black beauty who's id escapes me and from the same neighbor that gifted me the 


 The Internet's search logarithms aren't what they used to be. I know that it's thirsty 

and it will feel at home with the Iris and it's watery world that also plays water giver to

those urban animals that wonder through. Another recent acquisition from my next store 

neighbor's flat roof while being inspected and had this Cattail volunteer plant growing up 

there for years that finally got jettison to the ground.

 The gardener that I am swept in and with perfect timing and took advantage of the 

opportunity that presented it's self and introduced myself and the unknown plant to 

the out of townee home owner that was in the backyard, whom was asking what it was.

 Another gifted plant with planter in dire need of root shearing and appears to be

recovering fine from this gardener's shearing. This white Verbena or perhaps Lantana 

has very fragrant leaves should one happen to brush by its leaves. Today's all day light

rain is a balm to these newbies. 

 The time it took me to do these Blog entries, I've managed to collect over sixty gallons of 

rainwater so far...whoo hoo!

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