Thursday, April 8, 2021

Where There Is

 constant moisture and a seed, well guess what?

When I say constant moisture, we are talking human intervention kind of moisture.

Exhibit 'A' - See that seedling making it's way up in the world.


Oops...wasn't suppose to see that. Yeah, I got a little heavy handed with the pruners.

I've been wanting to cut this Paw Paw stick back for several years now and well

another, time will tell to see if it will  demonstration is about to begin to whether it

can bounce back or not.



Exhibit 'B' - Wonders of wonder, this seedling has the same unintended human intervention

and timing. The squirrels couldn't possibly eat every Bald Cypress seed which they

feast on late Florida winter. Add some water and presto.


All I need is one viable seedling to meet my next idea to bring to fruition that is to have a duel 

among two trees and observe how they grow and compete for what limited sunshine and space 

that might still exist.  The Bald Cypress should have the upper hand and this will bring two

garden projects into the future of...only....time...will...tell. *que the music folks*

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