Sunday, September 27, 2020

Todays Late Summer Plantings


 A Japanese Long Eggplant and two new varieties of Cherry Tomato starter plants.

Lime to sweeten this composted Bald Cypress needles fresh off the carport and some

new organic packaged Chicken manure fertilizer to fast push the growth. 


Why pots you ask?

Sure beats the sand we Floridians call soil. My composted Bald Cypress needles is the new

Black Gold.

Having Lunch Down On the Tad Farm


    Just added a new staple to feed these voracious beasts. Adding cooked fresh green beans  

 to the already staple of organic fresh Spinach and Broccoli.      


Today's meal brought to you by the Bachelor Cafe. Artichokes in water, fresh sliced Cucumber,

fresh cut Baby Bellas mushrooms, fresh cooked Greenie Beanies, favorite Marinara Sauce, Lemon 

zest and a ton of Garlic powder.


                                                                                                                                                                          Halloween must be fast approaching...hehe.

Another Perspective


Just a couple of dive-bombing Angels...just passing through.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

New Props


A generous  Yogihead dropped these off on my back porch. Unfortunatly it's name, not

my Yogi friend, name is unknown at this point in the game of name this plant. It could

be months before it reveals it's true identity.

Green To Black


 This ZZ Plant has a dark beauty cousin.

Better Than A Sunset



This Hawaiian Ginger is a sunset on a stick.

Close your eyes and take a whiff and let it's fragrance take you a way.

GrandMa's Memory


When ever I pass this little gem I have thoughts of my grandmother and her garden whom 

both once thrived less than a mile where I live. My garden has many memories attached, many

still thrive while some pass as all good things will do. 


It's been said many ways, how our life is how it's traveled, because we all know the destination.

I will also make  a point to make that journey as beautiful as possible in the most unimaginable



Isn't that right GrandMa!

Look Up


This Angel or Devil's Trumpet not only has an intoxicating beauty it will fill the night air

with it's passionate fragrance. It also has the toxicity to kill, so now that you have been 


Banana Baby


One of many varieties of Lady Finger style bananas my neighbor from our north streetside

neighborhood shared with me. Him and his wife have been enjoying bananas off this big little 

producer for years. 

Time will tell if I can reproduce some for myself and share with my planthead buddies. I've

had past successes with growing these beauties. They are hungry, thirsty beasts. 


Small price to pay for this constant gardener. Barrels of saved rainwater, nothing but the best.

A bag of organic chicken manure, thank you for your service.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Final Reveal


and what a bute it is.

I went into an orchid show last year hoping to find an orchid that is totally unique.

Not knowing that there might be other things sold other than orchids. Well here

I am a year later and realizing my orchid is not an orchid. It couldn't be further

from it's origins.  Almost as beautiful and most likely a night bloomer too. It 

looks like there could be other blooms and will have to see for my own eyes

if it is a night bloomer.


This s what a cactus blooms looks like when it was up all night.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Any Day Now


First bloom time for this year old, to the day since in my care. Once this cactus opens, is

when it will truly reveal it's self.

Today's Chill Pic Of The Day


I looked over my shoulder and staring into the darkness wondering what might

be staring back. Hoping it shares the same wonderment that I share with my backyard

urban jungle.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Latest Props Collection


Look ma, no roots. This African Violet's performance has been lacking, so 

severing it from it's depleated potted root ball is severe and yet has proven

successful in the past seems appropriate.

Sun Seeker


I know, I know..keep looking and you shall find.

What is Waveybasket Grass You Ask?

 Panicum undulatifolium Ard one of several botanical names for this ...should I

say it? Weed. Perhaps to some and a summer ground cover to others.

An Asian origins plant, non-native and in some parts, considered invasive. 


This ground cover is doing what it does naturally in the midst of our rainy season

here in central Florida.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Monday, September 7, 2020

A New Season of Scenes From The Garden

 Scenes from my garden, well, my whole yard is a garden. What else would you expect

from a constant gardener.

This sunlit Elderberry that got hijacked from my neighbor's yard started this parade.

We got wavy grass in it's prime, mid rainy season.

And more wavy grass among some tall Liriope ornamental grass.


One of two Crape Myrtle nurseries.


Speaking of nurseries, this Resurrection fern is off to a great start, with a foot hold onto

this Florida rock.


A serene morning calm of green.


My main Crape Myrtle housing my orchid collection.


A new edition to the yard, seen at the left is a Jackfruit tree from seed and soon

to be a year old this December, one of two.

We finish with this season's main feature main,Wavy Grass.

Friday, September 4, 2020


 my backyard walk way realignment is done. With the added side slabs to jazz up the

right justified first slab at the carport gives it some flair. *pats self on the back*


My favorite saying, Change your outer landscape, Changes you mind-scape. 


In these times, we need a new normal. What better way to mark this philosophy by

a modified landscape.

Where did I get the energy to finish this project? 

Still zooming from my early morning sighting of bright green meteorite on my morning

bike ride around the lake. This sighting lasted a relatively long three seconds, which

competed with a nearly full moon, to boot. Obviously, I would not have a picture, but

I did a respectable illustration, which I present to my garden/astronomical enthusiasts.


Looking East at 5am, the southern end of the lake and the moon would be out of the illustration
and to the left, as well as the planet Venus would off to the left at just slightly higher elevation.
The meteor was green as a green lime and must be from it's high iron content, is my understanding.