Friday, June 19, 2020

Secondary Outdoors Props Station

There are the two standbys on either side. The Wart fern to the far right that did get it's start
from a generous donation from a local nurseryman that also likes it's feet wet. While the
Triangular fig to the far left is a long time resident and has been in training to look like a
Florida Mangrove. So far it's doing a very well impression and likeness. The two
newbies just potted into soil this morning just left of center will enjoy some real sunlight,
early morning light, last seen months ago. Our humidity is upping it's game this time of year,
which will be greatly appreciated by these green little munchkins.

I almost forgot a shout out to the other long time resident, a begonia that bloomed for the
first time while keeping company with this year's props of it's self that is coming along quite
well. Also the backup trailing Baby Tears that I thought I would start for her in case her's
croaks. She gave me the cuttings for my first one and this is it's progeny. My first impression
of this plant was wow how awesome to wow this is one is high maintenance to lets find a more
suitable location to I think I found one here.

Honorable mentions go out to the next to last white begonia leaf cuttings, still in water and
one of several props that have been very successful and that now populate my yard's side
garden. Along with the ever popular Triangular Fig that just got put to soil earlier this week.

So, yeah a constant gardener's never ending supply of living green in perpetuity.

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