Monday, February 10, 2020

We Have A Collective Of Orchids With Newbies

I guess we now have a mid-winter nursery of orchids.

This Voodoo orchid isn't wasting any time making more Voodoo.

This new shoot is welcome but in the back and to the left is a 
late bloomer. Pushing out a new stem of blossoms. This 
is a first for this native orchid.

This one is my miracle orchids.  A miracle that it is still a live.
This orchid thrives if you leave it alone. That's a lesson, I'm
still learning and now being awarded. 

This although not an orchid. This Artillery plant is showing
me how it got that name by displaying it's 
loaded cannon of seed, near ripe for explosion.

Also something new is growing in the forground
and out of focus. Just one of many hazards of bringing
in a new plant and have to keep an eye out for the
new hitch hikers.

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