Saturday, February 1, 2020

Scenes From My Florida Winter Garden - Part 2 - The End

This lowly Sorrel is blooming it's head off and in pink.

Nice display of varied leaf shapes contrasting with the vertical 
fencing lines.

This Black Ti plant is introducing it's bloom stalk this time of year.

Some captured, potted vegetables.

My next candidate for my newly proposed Permaculture. As much
it love to set it's Fig roots right where it is shown. Not only to take advantage
of the old concrete (not shown) slab's rich in lime that's leached out of the many many
years it's been here. I suspect there's a buried drainage clay tile that will
be revealed when I have all the Utilities in my yard next week, mapping their 
buried amenities before I going digging again.

Dial 811 before you dig.  

Florida only!

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