Thursday, February 27, 2020

Feast Your Eyes On This Begonia Cutting Sandwich(ed)

Exhibit A

between two healthy looking violets.

What is just as worse than not labeling family photographs?

Not labeling when cuttings are taken.

I present to you, Exhibit A

Compari... Ohhhhhhhhh Compari... Whoaaaaa

These cherry tomatoes beat most winter grown tomatoes you will ever
 find on the market, so says this biased constant florida gardener. Obviously
not as prolific as the commercially greenhouse grown 'Compari'.

Still worth the effort in starting a second generation.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Ah,The Cacao Drama

My passion for my Cacoa tree has not waned, as I bring it indoors
to shelter it from this hemisphere's seasonal temperature swings.

As shown with an intentional finger eclipse and after
a good soap spray down and rinse. I noticed the tell tale
signs of spider mites, taking advantage of the youthful
sprouting of leaves. This bald look on this Cacao is not
normal, knowing that it is an evergreen.

This year's time spent is not doing it any favors either,
hense the bald look and possibly from my pushing it to
hard into it's first blooming cycle late last year.

It's never one thing, now is it?

Indoor LED lighting in it's full on brightness and the indoor dryness of
the desert. How is a Cacao tree to survive?

No pressure!

If One Wasn't Enough

now there are two purple fluorescences. Could there be a third one
waiting to make an appearence?

There's A Thinning Going On

Today's garden task that has been on my mind for nearly a week, gets done
and then some..

Nice sense of accomplishment from a constant gardener's point of view, that is
and like a great hair cut that applies to thinning out some well established gathering
of large bromeliads. 

What is left after thinning out about a third of these bromeliads from two perspectives.

What did I do with the removals, you ask?


Looking all that more natural in my micro-jungle environs.

and here....

and already a favorite...

I can see this as being a spot of meditative proportions.
Night Vision
from Surreal
to Winter Bones...

Friday, February 21, 2020

My Indoor Flowering Round Of Color

Lets hear a round of forty degree temperatures pay us visit tomorrow

This This Riot Of Color

I can understand where this Tillandsia would need these colors to stand out from
whence it came. It also has a common color scheme with this one.

Now this one took me by surprise with it's spot of orange thrown in for good measure.

You two could have at least spaced out each others performance out in order to get more

If this wasn't enough excitement for the day then this one throws me a curve.

These spidery hens are either throwing out some of their famous chicks or possibly
some flower buds and if they are purple. I think I just might lay an egg.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Gray Cuban Tree Frog - frog Osteopilus Septentrionalis - Campaign

The chorus of sound of Florida's native Peepers (frog) the other night
was worth this years campaign effort in curbing the Cuban Tree Frog's

Somewhere along our local body of water resides an army, collective noun
for frogs. In this case, the Cuban Tree Frog whom are basking on lakefront

Urban Terrorist Or Garden Gaurdian

Only my Urban fauna can tell...well dead fauna can't speak but for the
others prancing about says/shows otherwise.

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Weed Simple

Another selection to my stand tall collection.

These oxalis (weed) are in competition for limited light and I can tell
who's going to win.

Cacao Tree Gets Sensuous

New profile via sacrificial pruning.

Form over function still reigns here.

Standing Tall Times Three

New Edition To My Plant Kingdom

Looks right at home too.

See That Sliver Of Green?

Come on now...I spied this green Anole six yards away.

Now it's my green lucky charm, my green goddess.

My green lantern, my green light to have an exquisite day, week, 
why not decade?

No pressure. You get the idea.

Times up! 

For those who still don't  see this beguiling chartreuse wonder of this
lizard kingdom.                  Close your peeking.

Now open them.

Look at that face.

I'm thinking that it's thinking, why is that two legged creature enthralled with
this four legged beast. It's  not like we haven't crossed paths or branches before .

Monday, February 10, 2020

Ruffled Gray-Green Begonia Cutting

One of many props this winter to have graduated to the final potting stage.

African Violet Cutting Graduates

This cutting started out as a full blown plant. It was leggy and had a twin
and they were competing for room to grow and with limited sun light.

So I lopped it off and placed it in water to grow roots and gave it ample
artificial lighting and since repotted it in to it's last potting upgrade.

This is what you get when you give a plant all and then some of it's needs.

Can You Hear That Choir Of Angels...

as a ray of light shines down to spot light this specimen.

Not to spoil it for you folks but that light is a
a reflective light coming off my neighbor's window.

Trying To Maximize Our Winter Rays

This Moocher Is Lookin For A New Sucker

This Wood Stork is testing this two legged (me)creature . It may not be the most
handsomest beast around but I quickly found out that it does eat sprouted bread.

We Have A Collective Of Orchids With Newbies

I guess we now have a mid-winter nursery of orchids.

This Voodoo orchid isn't wasting any time making more Voodoo.

This new shoot is welcome but in the back and to the left is a 
late bloomer. Pushing out a new stem of blossoms. This 
is a first for this native orchid.

This one is my miracle orchids.  A miracle that it is still a live.
This orchid thrives if you leave it alone. That's a lesson, I'm
still learning and now being awarded. 

This although not an orchid. This Artillery plant is showing
me how it got that name by displaying it's 
loaded cannon of seed, near ripe for explosion.

Also something new is growing in the forground
and out of focus. Just one of many hazards of bringing
in a new plant and have to keep an eye out for the
new hitch hikers.

Friday, February 7, 2020

My Own Fun Hanging 'Garden of Babylon'

Just happened to have some Buddha Belly Bamboo, gifted air plants,
props from my own garden and lots of securing and tie downs.

Still a work in progress.

Exquisite!...Says My Neighbor

What do you get when you let loose this artist, constant gardener and sculptor on
your neighbor's middle aged grapefruit tree ?

You get this Wes Andersonian set design.

Take one!

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Scenes From My Florida Winter Garden - Part 2 - The End

This lowly Sorrel is blooming it's head off and in pink.

Nice display of varied leaf shapes contrasting with the vertical 
fencing lines.

This Black Ti plant is introducing it's bloom stalk this time of year.

Some captured, potted vegetables.

My next candidate for my newly proposed Permaculture. As much
it love to set it's Fig roots right where it is shown. Not only to take advantage
of the old concrete (not shown) slab's rich in lime that's leached out of the many many
years it's been here. I suspect there's a buried drainage clay tile that will
be revealed when I have all the Utilities in my yard next week, mapping their 
buried amenities before I going digging again.

Dial 811 before you dig.  

Florida only!

Scenes From My Florida Winter Garden - Part 2 cont'd

Although white is a neutral color, actually devoid of
color. It still conveys to as being cool. This Cerisus is doing just fine
looking cool.

As is this, Walter's Vibernum.

Sneaky pink, another native that keeps making its self known.

This pale pink volunteer is in me neighboring yard and seems
to take advantage of how the low butchering that most 
lawn dogs