Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Transition, Investigation...A Wonderful Beginning To A New Year

Have to find out why this cutting is not making more progress.
           Sometimes I can have all the patience in the world and then there are
           times where, like now they just run out.

Only find out in my mind is to go digging and to my amazement!

This big honker of a tap root first peeking out of this sand. Now I know what it's spending
all it's energy on generating. I was feeding it along with some orchid fertilizer, which I see
has paid off. It's reward, I nice warm bed of some real soil mix and some of the old sand
it grew up with,to give it some familiar biome.

A place with the others along with it's companion fern that came along for the
ride gets it's own pot. There is also a new African violet that's about a week old
in it's own pot to add to this Winter props collection.

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