Saturday, January 4, 2020

Then This Little Guy Shows Up

Now my concerns have been answered. These two statuesque cactus were
once of similar heights but the one on the left has since towered over the

I was so focused on my other two tropical specimens to even notice that
this cactus sported this not so new sprout. I was wondering to myself just
the other day how I would cut these back to their original heights and
replant the now new giant props and let the remaining bases put out some
more sprouts.

Once again time will tell to see how if any this unexpected turn of events

My my how fast you have grown with just a change in the angle. That in it's
self has allowed me make a decision on how to proceed.

I hear some rain, a welcomed sound and event for this constant gardener, during
our Winter months. I sometimes think that it must be snowing somewheres else.

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