Friday, April 19, 2019

How many Flies Does It Take...

The collective noun for flies is, drum

Yesterday while watering my Sword bean and to witness this business of flies
on the end of my Sword bean vine. Most likely your typical Blue bottle fly.
To see them perched on this vine was odd to me and worth capturing.

Perhaps they were anticipating what would have happened a short time from then.

I was heading back into the house is when a shadow passed me by. The shadow
was from a Great Blue Heron flew overhead like they do often here in Florida.
Not much thought, other than that observance and acknowledgment. That is until
I heard an uncharacteristic thump. To look in the direction of the Heron and sound
and only to find a lump of flesh in the neighbor's driveway. Walked over to the
neighbor's yard to confirm a large dead fish. Dead from the fall, from the clutches
from the Huron flyover? Most likely already dead from being snacked on and the
Huron decided it wanted take-out. Not realizing the dynamics of transferring this
load to where ever it's destination might be, this load became nonessential.

It was still there when my nextdoor neighbor and I went to investigate on said
carcass. No doubt the business of flies will have had it's way by then and not to
mention our night marauding raccoons will be having a midnight feast.

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