Saturday, April 13, 2019

A Wonderful Earth Day It Is

Everyday is Earth Day around this neighborhood.

Just spoke to the neighbor across the street while taking these pics and
he relayed to me that there was sightings of two coyotes down the street.
I then relayed to him if he's been hearing our neighborhood owls? And that
 I have a young family of opossums under my house.

So yeah, we have the typical urban menagerie.

We have our pedestrian like Great White Egret foraging for lizards. If you
look closely for the silhouetted lizard. If you don't see it you would make
a losey bird of prey and starving one at that.  Staying as still as both creatures
can. A lizard is all too aware of this avian's stealth abilities and will manage
to escape this birds clutches, this time.

Distributing some collected rainwater to the fortunate few.

This grey leafed Bromiliad is one of those few that gets a drink on this dry, ninety
degree afternoon. That has been hibernating amongst the giant Liriopi. I thought I
would bring it back to life amongst the well illuminated.This bro variety is one of
the few that doesn't die after generating a pup and will hang on for years with it's
spent multi-generational botanical wonder. Not to mention it's showy pink florescence
that lasts a long time.

How hot is it you ask?

Just look at this mouth breather.

This bird was around my yard just last week. So it must of been worth the effort
to have came back and try it's luck.

We humans could and should treat every day as Earth Day. Try it!

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