Monday, February 4, 2019

Saintpaulias - African Violet Was/Still On Life Support Day 7

Just when you think your out of the woods, sort of speak. Then rot rears it's
ugly self. Just as my concerns are revealed I decide to take additional actions.
Scrub and rinse the rotted portion and give the effected surface a dusting of
rooting hormone, which has some fungicide. While it never occurred to use the
stuff but just happened to have some on hand that a budding gardener had given
me. Ever since the one and only time I did use the stuff, it was a total fail.
Using a rooting hormone is not a guaranteed success if you don't provide
the all the necessary requirements for success.

So here I go with chapter two with the heroic measures and see where it goes.
If only to provide some hope in a hopeless situation.

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