Monday, May 14, 2018

New Additions To Plant Nursery-Woodwardia areolata?

I was out at my friend's yard and spotted this smooth leaved that made
me think that it was a native Paw Paw tree. It wasn't until I went to dig
it up for transplant is when I noticed that it emerged from runners
underground which gave me even more hope. Not until I got home
and tried to identify it via the internet is when I became discouraged
that it may not be a Paw Paw but some beautiful unknown.

Sharing space with the beautiful unknown is another unknown variety
of fern, which appears to be a rather common wood fern,Woodwardia areolata.

Same pot is some cuttings of a well established unknown variety
of fig. Will know more once the figs mature from it's source plant
make it easier to identify.

Black pot at the top of the original pic posted is a well established cutting
from a thirty foot white Crape Myrtle. The shocking part of that cutting
session is that only one of five cuttings were successful. Just shows you
that not all events have a guarantee.

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