Wednesday, May 30, 2018

How About These Rains - My Alluvial Creek

This is probably my third in all the years that I've lived here.

I must of spent thirty minutes pushing the standing water
from my driveway down to this access to an underground
waste pipe that no doubt drains to a small lake at the end
of the street.

Not only a great excuess to play in the water but get some
exercise like paddle boarding. Yoga class this evening to
work out the kinks.

Not the most environmentally sound way to dispense with
our abundance of water resource, but keep in mind that this
neighborhood was built in the early 1900's. Along with the
fact that this is Florida, that still dosen't know what to do
with this gift.

Idle Hands Put To Work, Again - Update3

Making some circles and if that's not tedious enough. I used the idea
of Yin & Yang to get this far but realized that I have three tear
drops. So that is where the multiple circles are coming in to play to
launch into the next stage of this creative process.

Big Blue's - Day 61 - Now The Beauty Unfolds

This one has all the room in the world to do it's magic.

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Idle Hands Put To Work, Again - Update2

Red waxed linen fill-in finished on first segment. Next application will
be black waxed linen for an applied design to emphasize and borrow
a yin yang motif.

Some Dancing Banana Peppers

These geriatric beauties are from last years stock and doing gang busters.

Corralled My Tomato Plants

Do to the fact that my vegetable garden is all contained made
my decision to bring them underneath my carport was a
no brainier. Knowing that our near historic rain fall this
month was getting more rain this Memorial weekend.

One example of the off and one rain that we got yesterday,
as seen through my screened window. I know, nothing but
a calming sea of green.

I didn't pay that much mind to which of these Turkish tomato plants were
either from seed or cutting, but this one has definitely excelled. I will
collect cuttings from this one to see if I can push them through Florida's
infamous hot and humid days.

Idle Hands Put To Work, Again - Update

Doing the tedious fill-in work. The last third of the fill-in started that
'in the zone' feel is what I strive for. When times slips away, your in
the moment.

This morning when I woke up I was thinking what the next fill-in could
look like and what color. Also that my shoulders were aching from all
the repetitious movement, telling my body it's time to get conditioned
for this weaving workout.

That's what this is all about.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Idle Hands Put To Work, Again

This new weaving can go in so many directions.

Time will tell.

It wasn't until I processed this picture is when I noticed the Yin&Yang
symbol. It shall be a subliminal theme and will see if it survives the
creative process.

Beautiful Beatle

As far as I could tell in the minutes it took me to capture
this creature digitally. It looks like it's looking for a meal,
as in non-veggie. Is my initial guess, that is, until I witness

First Time Captured Digitiliy - Skink

I know what your thinking, OMG It's a snake. Nope, it's a Skink.

Look Ma, no legs.

So How Tall Is My Agave - Agave americana

That's approximately six times the size of the parent plant @42'.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Big Blue's - Day 55 - If Only I Were A Spider

You think about it now, in less than two months and this structure's
mass and height. This is no fairy tale as Jack and the Beanstalk
comes to mind.

If I were a spider, I would spin a web like a ladder.

Climb this structure as far as it matters.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Yes, This Tastes As Good As It Looks - Something From The Bachelor Cafe

Sunny side up!

What started out to be a six egg omelette. Using the remaining four
eggs in the carton and then realizing after I had mixed all the ingredients.
I realized that my original intentions were for six eggs. I just broke the
remaining two on top.

Having a mouth full of golden egg goodness
is enough to repeat this process in the near future.

This May Be A Dwarf Variety Of Magnolia

'Little Gem' but the flower is certainty not.

You think that little gnat is admiring the flower's beauty or just out enjoying
our Spring breeze. In this world of 'eat or be eaten' I wonder where the gnat
fits in?

We have cleanup on aisle seven, please.

Turkish Tomato Goodness - First Meal

Almost forgot the fresh parsley.

Olive oil and some Himalayan pink salt. 

Tree Marigold - Tithonia diversifolia

This specimen can easily scale twenty feet. The blooms smell nothing
like a marigold.With an unbelievable honey fragrance that transcends
this rather unassuming looking flower. This got hit with our freezing
temperatures this past winter and yet I was surprised not to find
more seedlings.

Along with it's companion plant of a variegated bromiliad whose pot
was a refuge for this last survivor. The white variegation will help
brighten up this patch of garden before it becomes overshadowed
by this gargantuan tree, relatively speaking of course.

Something From The Bachelor Cafe - A Culinary Topiary

Some Flat Leaf Italian Parsley kept fresh and readily available along with
an appealing presentation for the constant gardener/culinary person
in your life.

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Cinnamon Tree - Cinnamomum verum

 How appropriate that this tree's leaves have a hint of cinnamon color to
it's new leaves.

Split-leaf philodendron - Monstera deliciosa Bloom

For some reason when ever I see one of these it sometimes make
me think of dolphin jumping out of water. Not so much the bloom
it's self but the collective ready to launch blooms along side.

Cabbage Palm – Sabal palmetto's First Bloom

It took thirty years to produce this spike.

I have two of these and I remember seeing it when it was just
a sprout *listening for that a collective ahh*

Big Blue's - Day 51 - If Only I Were A Squirrel

* in my best Poetry Slam Voice*

If only I were a squirrel.

    I would give this a whirl.

If only to see if I wouldn't hurl.

* takes a bow*

Friday, May 18, 2018

Idle Hands Put To Work

I'm thinking that it could use another addition of webbing in another
color and have another idea for a design detour.

Along with a new arrangement on piano for a newly discovered tune.
Title of said tune escapes me The one stuck in my brain at the moment,
but look forward to the hundreds of hours of creativity.

Ok, two more colors.

Still a work in progress.

Inspiration to both Danny and Marylou, both unknown of each other and
yet both creatures of creativity in their own lives.

Song mentioned above is a song by Saturn, Sleeping At Last.

 [Verse 1] You taught me the courage of stars before you left How light carries
on endlessly even after death With shortness of breath you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist  [Chorus] I couldn't help but ask For
you to say it all again I tried to write it down But I could never find a pen I'd
 give anything to hear You say it one more time That the universe was made
Just to be seen by my eyes I couldn't help but ask For you to say it all again
I tried to write it down But I could never find a pen I'd give anything to hear
You say it one more time That the universe was made Just to be seen by my
eyes  [Verse 2] With shortness of breath, I'll explain the infinite How rare and
beautiful it truly is that we exist

Yesterday's Discovery - First Bloom Of The Season - Gardenia taitensis - Tahitian Gardenia

 A real head turner and can only imagine what a whole bunch of these
would smell like. A bit of a high maintenance item that almost got
the boot on several occasions, but its still here to delight the senses,

Cacao Tree Update

This potted specimen is still in recovery mode since staying inside for
two to three months. It's put on a new flush of growth and need to trim
some out to let it breath and the potential for hiding beasts of such

One such creature, the often vilified and cute as all get out.
I present to you, the Ruler of all frogs. The Cuban tree frog.
How fitting for it to choose this tree to hide in. Hiding no longer
and will be subjected to all that falls upon on it, upon discovery,
but not by these hands directly.
After all this frog has done what many species have done
for a millennia.

Today's Cuttings, Tomorrow's Feast

These Turkish tomato cuttings will join the others, to perpetuate the goodness.

Future goodness.

Product, from today's garden tour. Clipping, tying, inspecting and rotating
the potted tomato plants.

Picking today's first meal main ingredient, Japanese eggplant, Ichiban.

Dressed to delight the pallet and eyes.

This is but one of the rewards to gardening. On the rare occasion when
there is an abundance of veggies, my neighbor gets the rewards.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

First Bloom - Melinis nerviglumis - Savannah Ruby Grass

This seed head was flagging in a beam of sunshine, sunshine that was
in short supply these last couple of days where as a welcomed drizzle
of rain took it's place.

There's No Substitute For Diligence

Just like this Dragon Fly keeping watch for it's next meal. Note poorly
focused area highlighted in the green ovoid below.

There is this constant need to feed and survive. Take the example below
that I found amongst the tomato plants. In less than a days time, you
see leaf skeletonized. So I'm guessing that I need to double up on
my watch for those hungry pests that want to feast on what we
humans would consider, the none edible bits of this plant.

Here is a where the next party begins. Next leaf over and still hungry and have
to feed the engine for what we would assume to be a short life span. I just
moved this voracious mob to a more limited source life sustaining
greens. Our city's yard waste container.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Big Blue's -Day 47- Since Launch - Sustaining Maximum Orbit And Deploying Arms

A prominent zig zag has developed and announces where the life deploying
arms will deploy, although some minor arms have developed.

Our drizzle of rain is still coming down, most welcomed and may even
be the commencement of our rainy season, unofficially.