Friday, January 19, 2018

Something From The Kitchen AKA The Bachelor Cafe - Wild Salmon Salad

The salmon may be from a can but it's no worst that what passes as wild sockeye
salmon now a days. Our local grocery chain that so happens to based here has
been selling some tasteless, you know what the pass five years now. The last time
I tasted a really wild salmon was last year up north and found a so called Chum
Pacific salmon. It was frozen but hey it had that distinct salmon taste that a lot
of fish eaters don't necessarily care for.

My recipe calls for some Avocado, Shallot, Celery, Yellow Mustard, Key Lime Juice,
Ground Black Pepper, Hungarian Pepper from the garden and Organic Pink Lady Apple,
peel and all. Oh and some whole Pecans. Yum!

Eating it outdoors to get some vitamin D. It was at this time that I spotted another winter
flowering plant to conclude my Winter Survey.

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