Sunday, November 26, 2017

Rain Lillies Gets A Seat Next To Their Cousins

These bulbs have been sitting in a bucket of water for nearly four months
patiently waiting to be located. There original spot was of sporadic blossoming
nature that I didn't want to discard them because when they do, these double
blossoms of a deep pink are enough to knock your socks off, sort of speak.
Though I do admit to hoping they might throw up one of these blooms while
it languished in such unspeakable conditions. Only cease to amaze me how
much these living creatures want to survive, no matter what we humans
throw at them.

It came to me this afternoon where to seat these little cousins , cousins to
the Amyrillas. Where else but my newly planted rings of Amyrillas, which
has four generations of seedlings that I suspect the oldest to bloom this
following Spring.

Rain Lillies

Seed Born Ring of Amyrillas

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