Sunday, November 19, 2017

Last And Only Tadpole Finds It's Leggs And Freedom?

This was taken yesterday afternoon.

They say that one in a thousand tadpoles reach maturity. Well this is only
one of several stages that I have witnessed and not knowing what happen
next when I went looking for it today.

There are plenty of creatures surrounding this man made artificial containment.
We have lizards and frogs on the constant look out for such morsels, or even
delicacies that come to these urban creature's table, if you will.

This particular frog looks like a species that is considered invasive and
extremely aggressive, which will explain why there is only one remaining
of approximately thirty five tadpoles rescued two months ago.

Less than eight feet away is an adult version of this frog I like to think is
waiting for the opportune moment to demonstrate just how aggressive this
species really is.  Gulp!

Here's one that is getting closer to have won the lotto of life.

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