Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Amryillis seeds starting in water is re-visited and now we have the Sinkers and the Floaters.

Amryillis seed starting in water
See link above for previous Post.

These seeds started off floating on top of the water. Over the ten
day period, only to find half of the seeds at the bottom of the bowl.
A bit impatient perhaps and dishearten with this new process. I've
decidied to put them in soil accordingly. 

The Sinkers look as like a gelatinous mass.

While The Floaters still look individually viable.

Both get a top dressing of Compost and a misting of water.
Covered to retain some moisture.

Placed into the nursery where the Angel Wing Begonia seeds are
incubating in my Yogurt maker germinating-angelwing-begonia.

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