Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Yesterday's Success Or Folly

 Late in to our  Fall most growing things come into a slow down that meets with

our natural dry season. For me it means its time to test out new themes and or changes

in the landscape.

I sometimes beg for a change in my local landscape to help get into the mind of wanting

a change in my every day life,  no matter how minor or grand that might lead to.

Some people might rearrange furniture, you might get the idea.

This patch was covered with oak tree suckers as thick as a mat, a well trimmed mat mind you.

The short blue agave pups sprouting just past that large parent, barely shown above the mat

of mat suckers, until yesterday that is.  Having come back from a bicycle ride and I don't how 

you might get your ideas, mine are what I refer to pictures in my mind that lets me know what 

in this case what this patch will look like in the very near future, if that makes sense. 

I trimmed back the mat of oak suckers to give light and a visual impact to the young agave.

This spill over Blue Juniper that is still in it's pot is the second element to this transformation.

Along with some selective trimming this looks like it will be it's inground forever spot for this

spilt juniper.

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