Wednesday, December 7, 2022

All For The Love

 of Jack, that is Jack Fruit, as in Jack Fruit Tree that I started from seed.

When I learned that these trees grow fast, they weren't kidding. Last year 

this time It gets a similar lop off, standing nearly the same height as last

year at over twenty feet tall and instead of a single trunk there were two.

This time I had trimmed and tied it to reach my ideal of what I envisioning

and we did not disappoint, so says the constant gardener. Actually, the tree

had no say in this gardener's whim? No, just happens to be good at trimming

that a lot gardeners can never get enough of practice, imo.


 Every sculpture usually has at least one good side, and I would say that this is it. For those that

are not in the know, Jack is in the middle.

This pic shows where it was lopped off  and if you look closer you will see the tie backs. I

also took advantage of some of the drooping growth and trimmed around those to emphasize

this droop effect. Like an excellent hair trimming, one should not notice a trim and from this

view it looks pretty normal, if you ask me.

This trimming, sculpting did it's magic and in a day or two I will rub some dirt onto the bright

white cut  point at the top to not only darken up the unnatural cut point but let the bacteria 

in the soil do it's magic, to aid in the cuts healing.

Just one of many fruiting bodies over the past year that have yet to actually mature into it's iconic

humongous fruit known in this world. This stage has managed a minor sweet fragrance that only

adds to it's exotic nature. The size shown without a banana for scale, it's length about the size of 

an apple.

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