Wednesday, May 4, 2022

What Does That Squirrel Have? - Gardener's Tales

 Yesterday walking out to put some scraps from my one of many meal preps into my 

trash can and what do I see climbing up one of my Podocarpus trees at the side of my yard?

A squirrel with something large and round and of undiscernible color. First thing that flashed

to my brain and I know they are not into eating animal flesh, as in a baby bird. In those split

seconds where the brain is also trying to make sense of what we both are a witnessing. The

baby bird absurdity gets set a side. I next try to use the off coloring but that comes into focus 

later.  Again, rolling through my past experience with my Florida life as a gardener my mind fixes 

on a dried orange, which there are a few stray citrus trees growing not far away in a tree line 

at the back of my neighbor's yard. Even if the color of said object doesn't tick off.

Split seconds next as my mind is still determine to complete this bewildering event of perception

verses actual events. I receive some notes of citrus as the squirrel rolls this catch and is 

sampling it's catch is when I question to myself that this must be a dried out citrus and leave it

be to one many wonders the great urban out doors just outside my backdoor.

   Well, later that afternoon I find myself out doors taking a break from the time indoors. I see

in my neighbor's yard some of the ubiquitous plastic waste that more than often makes it's 

appearance. I decide to retrieve it and it's hard to stop at one. So I pick up another and not get

carried away because this is my neighbor's way of expressing him self and leave it at that.

     What catches my eye?  A whole red potato that I suspect that it has lost alot of said red

pigment and not surprise to see this vegetable, where most vegetables rarely go. It's bleached

color is either from being exposed to the sun or that it didn't have any of said pigment that I

would have expected to find in a classic red potato. 

     My mind does what it's inclined to do to at this point to complete the picture that we both 

were puzzling over earlier to what the squirrel had possessed and have what may not be a ah 

hah moment, but it does have a knowable finalizing and that I did not really get a wiff of citrus

to help me move on not knowing if that small mystery would ever get resolved. We probably

all most know that all of this has been filed away to our subconscious to ruminate on and pop

up to revisit or in this case to complete just another one of life's little mysteries.

 P.S. While last night's rain, mostly flash and lite thunder I had a laugh to not have discovered

more rain in my catch buckets. It's around this time of the year is when our dry season ends.

So more of that good rain to surely come.

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