First one being that I was able to collect fifty-five gallons to fill my rain barrel. When I say fill,
I mean manually hauling it and lifting it into a fifty-five gallon drum and that drum, one of nine
can be eight to twenty-five feet away. Not complaining, just getting a dose of exercise and hope
these will never be a challenge and not become the worst from it.
About two days ago will detailing the yard and as many times I see this plant in my yard.
Most times I am admiring it's tall cone like architecture, shiny dark emerald colored leaves.
It's coffee and cream colored smooth bark that has a wrinkle at the point where it reaches out
with a radial reach of one of many of it's branches.
In case you are waiting for a name of this gorgeous garden creature, that's not important at
the moment. It was when I reached to cut out an oak tree sucker that was interloping upon this
plant. What do I discover? As my mind is taking in what I am witnessing, as for instance, why
havn't seen this before as I scan this twenty eight month o l d , nurtured from s e e d that I
wrestled from it's meaty flesh. The world's largest known fruit. Ok, that didn't run though my
mind at the time of discovery. Just thought I would drop a hint. As I bask in my new
discovery, my next immediate response is to jump online and see what I can discover about
the fruit propagation for this Jackfruit Tree and there is the reveal, I said it's name. Having
discovered a couple of videos and some quick reads. I can now look at this tree in a new
light, while it is in the throws of wanting to continue it's lineage. Good luck with that, now
knowing the odds of everything coming together. That's the beauty of gardening, that time
can be a good thing or it's demise. Welcome to the world of gardening.
I had done some online searching on how to get this plant off to a great start. From
starting off with the proper way to process the fresh seed, just excised from it's fruiting
body, literally. By the way, the seeds, close to seventy or more, after deciding that I did
not care for the sweet flesh that covered this seed. I decided to experiment and decided
to steam the seeds and wow. Sweet!,and not in the saccharine definition. That was a treat
in it's self and was worth the effort and would only care to do that as a one off mind you.
About twelve lucky or unlucky as you soon will find out that get to be baptized in some
of the best potting soil that I can conjure up. Playing the waiting game, after all the seeds
are quite large so it takes longer to get it's act together and after all, the biological process
of germination is exponential. Alas, the thinning process most prevail and three of four get
chosen and those chosen the process of willowing down to two, only because I have two
possible locations that have anything close to some decent enough sunshine. Of those two,
this current location has only been a win win and another win for it's second placed Epic
proclamation. To be honest that Epic should be spelled with a lower case 'e'. As an
experienced gardener knows what the odds are of growing anything and yet keeps going
on knowing those odds and the joys along with the disappointments.
This tree was rewarded, in it's best interests of course and knowing what I had to do,
along with viewing a video of what not to do. I won't go into details of said video other
than to recognized this unacknowledgedable, if this is not a word, so be it and shall I say
ignorant of the facts and thank you for showing this to the world and for me to do the right
thing. Understand I was also told that this tree is very easy to grow, mind you this is from
someone that has gone to college to study botany and who knows what else to get said job
of caretaking a city owned garden. So easy, is subjective.
Not only to my and some of my fellow gardeners enjoyment and amazement just not only
how fast and may I say how tall this gorgeous specimen had announced it's self to this world
and add, to it's foreign location and only to add, it's exotic placement into my yard's garden.
I cut it back, severely and perhaps to those non gardeners, you know who you are, What?
I even rubbed some sandy soil bearing most beneficial microcosm of bacteria to help heal
major surgical process called pruning, unto it's cut side. Pruning, pruning and for emphasis,
pruning baby. I works wonders.
I just thought of this pruning, that it too was an epic event.
P.S. - My third previously thought of Epic event has just been downgraded and does not belong
above, but duly noted.