Saturday, November 13, 2021

Two Year Old Summer Sandwich Tomato Miracle


No only is tomato variety at the top of my list for Florida grown tomatoes. I think this

baby should get an award for the longest lived. Growing in plants in Florida can encourages

one to push a plant to it's limits and some do better than others.

I don't think that dog years even goes near to what this plant is experiencing at the moment.

Last harvest?


 No doubt that the nematodes are choking out roots ability to bring nourishment up to 

it's narrowed and possibly arthritic Phloem and Xylem tubular tissues. Ha, I still remember 

those botany lessons from high school science class and no arthritic was not in the lesson plan.

            Thank you, to the late and passionate science teacher Mr. Robert J Gasiorowski.



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