Monday, November 29, 2021

Today's Garden Do's

 Nothing set in concrete, although I must admit that yesterdays' screen door repair might have

planted that seed, of what can I repair and with no intentions other than to see what plants could

use a drink of rainwater.  Can't say fresh rainwater other than it's better collected recently in the 

past month...or so. I can guarantee that the water is still wet.

First things first. There were some branches from a flowering cactus that got knock off from

a gust of wind that had blown the plant off it's pedestal (rain barrel) sort of speak. I noticed

that the now official now cuttings were beginning to form roots at the broken ends, an indication 

that they to still have life and want to continue on their  life of leisure.  

Instead of disrupting the parent plant anymore than it has already. I thought I would just re pot 

the cuttings in a separate pot and thus a happy reunion.       Separate, but together. 

                                                          The void has been filled.

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