Sunday, May 9, 2021

This Week's Garden Happenings

 No pictures...just some observations and actions.

Escorted another Grey Tree frog off the premises. 

Observed a family of Cardinals take part in sampling some Everglade berry like tomatoes

from my walkway garden. To see the different types of red birds, male, female and young

Cardinal which I suspect could be a female picking the bright ripe orange red tomatoes.

    I wonder if they know there are some more tomatoes out front? Shhhh...I'm not telling.

Laid down some white sands on my back yard rambling side walk's generous cracks.

Some heavy trimming of my broadleaf Podocarpus 'Nagi' and a leggy twenty foot tall sunflower.

Also managed to trim up some Lemon grass and prune out some various yellowing leaves

and did some watering .

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