Saturday, May 22, 2021

Another Volunteer This Year

 Welcome to the club, first it was a Milkweed plant that is already blooming again this week.









This Milkweed popped into my garden earlier this year and now there is this.

What pretell is this?

I was complacent in assuming that this was a morning glory vine due to it's similar 

heart shaped leaves. This profile was not my first sighting, so my first wonder was

fungi and are they of the same plant? Then I witnessed it's profile and it's connection

to the vine and my mind went racing to all those images in my head from all the books,

online plant images. It wasn't until it came to me that once it started to open up with

a little nudge with a few drops of water from the garden hose.

If I hadn't seen these at our Florida State Fair's Cracker Country demo garden several

weeks ago. I would have sworn they were visitors from an alternate universe.

These volunteers are called either Callico Flower or Scotchman's Pipe, take your pick

you have both feminine and masculine names.


How bizarre. 


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