Saturday, November 14, 2020

Sorghum Who Knew


Nice substitute for rice and even pasta. discovered this while in Tampa last week.

Now a days there still are somethings one discover at a health food store, even if 

now a days your grocery store may be stocking the same thing and making most

health food stores obsolete but then again there's a whole lot of healthy choices 

missing from our grocery food stores. 

Over the years our grocery food stores have been dropping healthy items because

they are not selling like those proverbial 'shitty, no fiber no nutritional' hot cakes'.


It's still unfortunate that I still have to drive forty miles to get something that is

not available in my home town. Amazon can go you not what it's self/ Our conutry's

lax laws and letting the Amazon's of this country grow to what they are today is 

a sham and it's only going to get worse before it gets better, if it does get better.



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