Wednesday, April 1, 2020

You Wouldn't...

You know how much I love a garden challenge, even more so when it comes to a 
dare. Even if it is only in my own mind.

I've been eyeing this stationary tumble weed on steroids, this gifted varigated
Agave. Planting in this spot is my own doing, without any research on how
big it can grow for one example. A lesson not learned as gardener will repeat 
over and over. As you can see that it's pointed, sharp barbed
reach is at the limits of my yards boundary.

So what better than on a day where a blustery storm like conditions that call
for a tumble rolling stint in the old garden. 

It took me some trial and error to reach this decision. Not even seventy pounds 
of spiny poking vegetation can hold back this 'can do' attitude already in full
drive. Stiff breezes keep me motivated as the evening's light fades.

Several false starts and hey, lets cut it back and make a giant 'Props', passes
my minds eye, as I was whittling away at the Agave's ankle, if you will. Now
I see what I'm was up against. Besides the painful barbs just waiting to
be pressed upon.

 Now you see it and now you don't, except one of it's pups. Marking the 
site of it's parent's last roost. Along with moving one of the older pups
to commemorate the previous homesteaded Agave, this time with adjustments
needed that were not taken into consideration before. 

That little pup will need closer scrutiny for it's relocation.

 Now look at that beautifully changed vista of Agave.

 With an extra dose of water to get some roots established on this massive
prop. Hopefully none the worse other than a bruised growing tip and severe

This specimen has now kicked into survival mode and will make a good
run of it and look grand doing it.

Selfishly on my part, I  now dedicate this glorious corona of vegetation for
our current state of Coronus. Booyah!

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