Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Three Get Put To Ground

These tree lived communally in a shared pot for? Three years. Starting
with the original owner. A cutting of a cutting and probably another cutting
since we are talking threes. From a plant that lived in my grandma's garden
just up the road.

Say hello to this grand yellow shrimp plant in it's new ground location.

Second, also derived from a cutting and a new candidate for my food forest
that I hope will take hold. Not knowing the variety of fig, but just knowing what it's
not, and what it is not a Turkey fig.

May you grow deep roots and find that cache of lime that would have seeped from
a long time pouring of a concrete slab ninety years ago, only a few feet away.

The grand daddy of the three. Dug this up from a friend's yard last year in hoping
it's a native Paw Paw. There was a Chain fern growing at it's base while pot based.
Something more to look forward to see it they will rear their heads in due time.

Give them a sip of water every day for a week or two and all should be well.

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